Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hoe gaan dit?  (Afrikaans for "How Are You?"),
It's amazing that we've been here three weeks already!  Dave went to Ethiopia this week with another attorney to work on some legal issues up there.  It was a 5 1/2 hour flight from here to Addis Ababa--Africa is just huge.  He said that it's quite different from South Africa in that the roads are often unpaved and the cars really drive in a free-for-all manner--really scary.  They don't have the safety issues like here with walls with electric wire on the top and razor wire everywhere.  People were all over the streets after dark and into the night--whereas here, come dark, everyone is off the streets and the businesses are all closed..  He also said that the people have a very different look there.  They are dark skinned, but very fine featured and beautiful--with large eyes.  For the most part, they are smaller and slighter than the African people here.  (A group of families were here last week from Madagascar doing temple work and they are very different, too.  They are also smaller and slighter and have a distinctive oriental look--almost Philippine looking.)  

They speak the Amharic language--which is the second most spoken semitic language in the world.  It almost looks like Hebrew?  Notice "Coca Cola" in Amharic.  Unlike most of the rest of Africa, very few Ethiopians speak English.

The children all over Africa are so adorable.  Here are two little Ethiopian boys that bonded with Dave.

This is the fence around the Church property.  Notice the sign--Did you guess it reads "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  As usual, the grounds and gardens were immaculate and beautiful.

This is the chapel within the fenced area.

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