Sunday, May 6, 2012

Clip of a very popular African choir in Pretoria singing in Zulu & Xhosa

 We are now fully adapted to the time (sleeping at night) and driving on the left side of the street (I have even driven back and forth to the office) and finding our way around to some extent.  Pam received her assignment to work as a legal assistant/secretary in the office with Dave.  Life is falling into a rhythm of going to work by 7:30 AM each morning, working very hard learning the new computer programs and trying to help with the mountains of tasks that must be done there, coming home at about 6:00 PM, making a quick dinner, having companion scripture study and then falling into bed exhausted.  It's like we both have very demanding full-time jobs!  There are so many interesting Church legal issues going on in every country--more than we can begin to handle effectively!  We have got to get up to speed here very quickly!  Dave is going to Ethiopia on Wednesday to do some work--Pam's staying home--it's a 5 1/2 hour flight each way!  Everyone here lives during the daylight hours--starting early and getting home early--because of the danger of going out at night.  The stores are closed and the streets are pretty bare after dark.
A few interesting things have come up:
Our BYU intern arrived last night and we are waiting to meet her right now (Saturday morning).  She's a law student here for 5 weeks to work with us in the OGC Office of General Counsel).  We were busy the last couple of evenings getting her flat ready for her upstairs in the same building we live in.  At one point she was going to live with us for a month, but a flat became available for her to use--however, it was not in good shape and we've worked to get it ready and put some food in it for her.  Someone else had to pick her up at the airport last night and is bringing her here any minute so we can take her up to see her flat and help her get settled.  She will have to ride with us to work, church and everywhere because she won't have a car. It will be interesting to meet her.
We couldn't pick her up last night (Friday) because we were obligated elsewhere.  The BYU Young Ambassadors are performing all over South Africa and Botswana for three weeks.  Last night attended one of the big performances in Pretoria (45 minutes north of us on the fwy) where they invited ambassadors from all over the world, government officials, etc.  in the old, traditional Afrikaans (& beautiful) Town Hall.  Before the Young Ambassadors came out, there was a famous African choir who performed and they were truly excellent.  The attached film is a little clip of them singing in Zulu & Xhosa.  All the hooting you hear in the background is the audience--who become part of the performances here in Africa.  It's kind of the black African way and it's fun.  We didn't get home until almost midnight--a bit of a scary trip home that late at night--and we're tired today.
Tonight-Saturday- we've been invited by Elder Renlund (the Area President and member of 1st Quorum of the Seventy) to go out to dinner and to another performance at a place called Monte Casino--which I understand is just like being in Las Vegas.  Apparently it's an interesting place about an hour away.  We're going to see a Cole Porter music performed in ballet--which is hard for me to imagine together.  Of course, one doesn't decline such an invitation--so--tired or not we will be leaving about 3:45 PM today for that.  He and his wife, Ruth, are tremendous people and it's quite an honor to be invited.  He was a prominent Cardiovascular Surgeon and she a very successful PI attorney in Salt Lake.  We'll probably get home about midnight again and we have 8:00 AM church tomorrow in downtown (real ghetto) Johannesburg tomorrow morning.

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